“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
--- Douglas Adams

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Day Sunshine!

What a nice afternoon.

Hubby was on an errand. Not super certain what we wanted to do but knowing full-well that I didn't want to drive I suggested to The Girl that we put The Boy in his stroller and walk down to Java Beach for an ice cream. Java Beach is a great place; free wireless, Guiness and Sierra on tap, hot chocolate, sandwiches, right across the street from the SF Zoo, and only a 10 minute walk from my house. I think sometimes they may be a little too busy for their staff to handle and their sandwiches and service is not always consistent, but they are a friendly neighborhood place. Every time I go there I see a familiar face from The Girl's school or the neighborhood.
Anyhow, we got The Boy in his stroller and walked over to Java Beach. Thankfully there was a table (most of the time there are a lot of campers there taking advantage of the free wireless, not buying anything and taking up a table for hours on end). The Girl got a cone and The Boy and I got a cup to share. He stole most of it and I only got a few bites, but no matter. It's not like my ass needs a lot of ice cream to rival  The Grande Odalisque.
We also got an iced tea to share but it wasn't sweet enough to The Girl's liking so she went and got a lemonade to put into the tea - sort of a guerrilla Arnold Palmer.
Hubby finished his errand and met us at Java Beach. By that time we had found an even better table outside. We hung out for a while and then decided to walk down to Ocean Beach to throw rocks in the water and play on the sand.

It was a perfect San Francisco Day at the Beach. Ocean Beach, for my Southern California friends and Family, is not the kind of beach where one can play. It isn't like Huntington Beach or Seal Beach where one can jump around and play in the waves all day and still expect to be alive at the end of it. Ocean Beach is an angry bitch beach filled with 50 degree water, rip tides, cross currents. Ocean Beach is good for experienced surfers and fisherman. If you aren't either one of those, stick to playing in the sand and only getting your toes wet; which is exactly what we did. The Boy loved the water. The waves would come in, get his feet wet and then rush out. He would laugh and laugh and laugh and scream. When the water would recede he would get super pissed off and demand that the water come back and make him happy again. It would, and he would laugh his little heart out, and then again, get really offended and angry that the waves dare recede. His sister, The Girl had fun digging up sand crabs and then letting them go in the surf.

It was a great afternoon. We walked home sandy, tired and happy.

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Nice Pictures - Where'd you steal them from?

Some of the pictures in my blog were taken by a photographer called Julie Michele. Some of the pictures were either taken by me or someone I know. Some of the pictures were ripped right from the internet, mostly from google image searches from photographers to whom I may or may not give credit.

Rest assured I make no money from any of it.