“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
--- Douglas Adams

Monday, February 11, 2013

I'm Totally Not "King Ralphing" You - A Dream

Short Dream I had the other night.

Hubby, The Kiddies and I were hanging out at Buckingham Palace. Hubby's cousin was Prince William. No other member of Hubby's family was related to Prince William and nobody from Prince William's family was related to Hubby. The two of them were cousins, though. Prince Harry wasn't related to any of us (except for his brother, of course) but he was always walking around in the background not really doing anything other than taking off his jacket and hanging it on wall hooks.

The Duchess Kate kept to herself in her part of the castle. I got a hold of her private line, called her and asked her if she wanted to hang out with my yougest kid, Bean. Bean is only 5 months old. I thought she'd like hanging out with a baby. She accepted my invitation. We decided we'd drive to a playground on the other side of town.

When I got to the car we were going to use, she had installed a car seat. It was installed so securely in the back seat that I didn't have the heart to tell her that babies less than a year old needed to be rear facing in their carseats.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Hanging out at Buckingham Palace--that sounds like fun. I hope the Duchess gets her baby seat installed correctly before baby comes..ha ha ha..funny.


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Some of the pictures in my blog were taken by a photographer called Julie Michele. Some of the pictures were either taken by me or someone I know. Some of the pictures were ripped right from the internet, mostly from google image searches from photographers to whom I may or may not give credit.

Rest assured I make no money from any of it.