“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
--- Douglas Adams

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Pineapples and Podcasts

When I take drives longer than say, 45 minutes or so, I like to listen to podcasts. 

The podcast that got me hooked on podcasts was Stuff You should Know; it was on biospeleology, the study of eco-systems in caves. Who knew?  After a while I moved on and found Serial, devoured the first season (and limped my way through the second. I'll get around to the third soon enough),  Podcasts I've really enjoyed lately are  Business Wars; DC vs. Marvel and Nike vs. Adidas and Monster vs. Redbull are particularly interesting. I like American Scandal; the Balco Scandal was really engrossing. I like the series Nice Try which discusses failed failed utopian experiments; who knew the Oneida silverware people did so much forking? Or how a chair could summarize the history of a city in northern India? I tried some of the True Crime podcasts like The Black Dahlia story, but the one about The Dating Game Killer creeped me out too much so I had to stop. One of my current favorites is Spectacular Business Fails; I love the episode about U-Haul as it confirms my strongly held conviction of never, ever working for a small family-run business ever again. I did it twice and both ended up badly, (another blog post for another time, perhaps).

Anywhoozle, I recently introduced Pua to podcasts. We like Ridiculous History. We listened to one about the history of the Flea Circus, the history of Pie-to-the-Face, the history of Pink Lemonade and the one that got us hooked in the first place, the history of the Pineapple in Europe, it was a two parter.  She and I were driving 45 minutes or so to meet some friends for an afternoon of badminton and sunshine. I put the podcast on, hoping she would like it. And yay! not only did she tell me midway through Part 1 that she was enjoying it, she asked to listen to Part 2 when we were on our way home. On the way home though, she ended up falling asleep by the time we got to the bridge, but she was all-in up until that point. A few days later we were driving once again. She asked if our drive was say, 45 minutes, or so, and if so, could we listen to a podcast.  It wasn't, but instead we got to talked about what we had learned about the pineapple and its influence on the landed gentry of Europe. 

I'm very excited she likes learning, and even more excited that she likes learning about off-the-wall and interesting stuff. 

I love watching my kids discovering things they love. 

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Some of the pictures in my blog were taken by a photographer called Julie Michele. Some of the pictures were either taken by me or someone I know. Some of the pictures were ripped right from the internet, mostly from google image searches from photographers to whom I may or may not give credit.

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